
Hear the Lions Roar...

In the Ventura County Star.

4 paws up to Linda Bowring who writes in response:

I am freshly amazed at the logic that would try to convince the public that the dogs and cats in the shelter do not suffer from the close proximity of fireworks being set off. Some of those animals are there solely because they escaped their own homes BECAUSE of fireworks in their neighborhoods in the days before the 4th. Never was the adage "from the frying pan into the fire" more appopriate. Common sense would suggest that the animals are traumatized by this.

I commend the Lion's Club for all of the other services that they provide to the public, but I would also like to ask if they would find it appropriate to have such a show next to a facility filled with human infants and toddlers? The animals are no different in their understanding of the warlike sounds going on right next door, and seemingly over their heads. How does one convince an infant, or an animal, that they are safe during such a barrage. Every boom is like a shock wave. And for many, the trauma remains long after the event is over.

We SHOULD celebrate our freedoms, but with freedom comes responsibility - especially to those that would be harmed by that celebration. The question was asked as to why this trauma wasn't filmed. I'd like to know why the Lion's Club isn't in that shelter themselves - especially with their claim to care about dogs. Let them see first hand how difficult it is to calm a frightened dog or cat.

Agenda? No, I have none, except a complete sense of amazement that anyone could be this cruel, and this insensitive to animals whose sense of hearing is so much more intense than ours, and who have no understanding of why they are being tortured like this. Humane groups all over the country warn the public at this time of year to take extra precautions to keep their animals safe, including locking them in safe rooms (no windows) and turning on competing sounds (tv and radio) to help drown out the fireworks -- and most of them aren't right next door to a huge display.

Common sense, people !!!!


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